Top 19 Mistakes People Make When Detailing Their Car - Car Detailing Sacramento

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Detailing your car is a big responsibility. It means you're not just cleaning it but also protecting and maintaining the paint job for years to come. That's why you should always give it some serious thought before detailing your car in any way.

But if you decide that detailing is right for you, check out the mistakes people make when they detail their cars that could cause irreparable damage over time.

Let's explore in detail!

1. Using a Sponge to Clean the Car

The first mistake people make when detailing their cars is using a sponge to clean the vehicle. The reason behind this mistake is that sponges are not suited for scrubbing and can be too abrasive on the vehicle's paint job. To avoid these problems, use microfiber towels or cloths instead of sponges.

2. Using Harsh Chemicals to Clean the Vehicle

The second mistake people make when detailing their cars is using harsh chemicals to clean the vehicle. This could be soapy water, vinegar, or other chemical cleaners like acetone which will eat through your car's protective layer over time. To avoid these consequences, you should only use water-based cleaners like car shampoo when detailing your car. Here’s a writeup of what harsh chemicals and unmaintained machines from automatic car washes can do you your car’s paint.

3. Using Wrong Cleaning Detergent

The step that most people are guilty of is using the wrong cleaning detergent. It may sound counterintuitive, but most car shampoos are actually designed for hard surfaces, not automobiles. If you don't know what type of soap to purchase, go with a pH-balanced and fragrance-free soap which should be safer and more effective than other types.

4. Overwaxing Is the Most Common Car Detailing the Mistake

The last mistake people make when detailing their cars is overwaxing. This is common for people who detail their vehicles, but it can take away from the shine and even cause scratches in your car's paint job. To avoid this, wax as you go and do not wax more than twice a year.

5. Not Using a Microfiber Cloth to Clean the Windows

People also make another common mistake when detailing their car is not using a microfiber cloth to clean the windows. This could scratch up your window screens which tend to be delicate, and it's better to use a special window cleaning solution on any glass surface.

6. Using the Wrong Type of Polish

Another problem people run into when they detail their car is using the wrong type of polish. This means that you should paint sealant, glaze, or wax on your car as a one-time treatment instead of regular polishes. If you don't do this, then not only will your car's paint job not last as long, but it could end up with a thick buildup of wax and will require removing it.

7. Using Household Soaps to Clean

Washing your car with dish soap, laundry soap, or any other type of household soap is another mistake people make when they detail their car. This just doesn't work and will leave white residue around the trim of your vehicle that can be difficult to get rid of.

8. Wiping Down Leather Seats With an Oily Rag

Treating your car's leather seats with an oily rag is no more a good practice people make when they detail their car. This can cause a buildup of dirt and corrosion over time, so you should wipe the rags down after using them or use special microfiber cloths instead.

9. Using Paper Towel or Old T-Shirts

We have plenty of paper towels or old t-shirts lying around the house, but using these to detail your car is not a good idea. First off, they create lint which can scratch paint badly. They also absorb dirt instead of allowing water to sit on it and loosen it up for you!

10. Not Using Sealant For Sensitive Areas Like Electronics of Car

Sealing the underside of your car is a good practice, but some people neglect to seal their sensitive areas like electronics and trim. These are really easy places for elements to get stuck in, so you should use a special solution meant for this area of your vehicle instead of a general one.

11. Washing Car Too Often

Picking on the obvious, another mistake people make when they detail their car is washing it too often. This can lead to water spots forming and will turn your nice paint job into a dirt magnet! Instead of doing this, plan on washing your vehicle every 2-4 months or so if you drive in dusty conditions.

12. Washing Car in Direct Sunlight

A lesser-known mistake when detailing your car is washing it in direct sunlight. This may seem counterintuitive, but most people do this without knowing that they are speeding up the oxidation process of their car's paint job. You should only wash your vehicle in the shade, especially if there is dirt on its surface!

13. Use Hard Water

Lime and calcium deposits can form on your vehicle's body if you use hard water, so this is another mistake people make when they detail their car. You should stop using hard water and go with distilled or filtered instead because those will not damage your paint job as much as regular water from the tap!

14. Using the Wrong Glass Cleaner

Uppermost, the wrong glass cleaner can leave streaks on your car's windshield, so make sure you do not use one that has ammonia. If you don't care about appearance and only want to get rid of dirt, then this is fine, but just know that it will cause an ugly smear if you are in a hurry!

15. Overusing Chemicals

Every time you detail your car, you should do so sparingly. This means not using too many chemicals at once, especially if they are strong ones. Using too much of this could damage the paint job or cause it to bubble up, which is highly unlikely but still possible.

16. Using Dirty Clothes

Muddy clothes and other fabric stuff that you use to detail your car should be clean and free of any solids, so it is good to wash them after every use. Not doing this can create scratches on the car's body because these particles are very abrasive, not the smell factor!

17. Using a Dry Towel to Remove Dirt Missed During Wash

Wiping a dry towel over your car to remove missed dirt is a common mistake people make during auto detailing. This increases the risk of scratching it! You should always use a damp towel or microfiber cloth instead, and if there is any dust on the surface, you should let it sit for about 10 minutes before wiping it down with a dry cloth.

18. Not Treating Plastic Surfaces Properly

Like your car's bumpers, laminated surfaces can become dull and ugly if you do not treat them with the right product. Make sure to use a cleaner and polish meant for plastic surfaces when detailing it!

19. Washing Whole Body With the Same Mitt as the Wheels

Keep in mind that wheels and tires are not the same. Do not use the same mitt to wash both these parts of your car; it can cause scratches and other unsightly blemishes that you'll be seeing every time you drive!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it worth it to detail your car?

Yes, it is always worth it to detail your car because doing so makes it more valuable than if you did not.

Can I detail my car, or does this job require professional care?

Yes, you can detail your own car! Just make sure to follow the above guidelines so everything turns out alright.

What should be done with the old towels and clothes after being washed and used for washing cars?

These items should be disposed of properly so that no more damage occurs.

Why is it wrong to use household soaps to clean your vehicle's interior and exterior surfaces?

Household soaps strip off your car's paint job and fade the colors of its exterior. You must use a professional cleaner shampoo to detail your vehicle!

What is the difference between detailing and a car wash?

Detailing is a more thorough process that includes cleaning the surfaces of your car, washing it properly, and waxing/polishing it. A car wash can be considered an easier process but does not include polishing/waxing at all!

What should I use on my windows?

You should use an ammonia-free glass cleaner.

Is there any way to clean leather seat upholstery without using harsh chemicals? 

Yes, there is! Use a mild detergent and let it sit for about 15 minutes before wiping down the surfaces with water.

If I don't maintain my car regularly, can it deteriorate faster than usual?

Yes, your car might deteriorate more quickly if you do not take care of it. Make sure to always maintain regular upkeep on your vehicle!

Why does dirt need to be treated differently from other surfaces in the vehicle, such as metal or plastic?

Dirt can be abrasive on metal and plastic surfaces, so make sure to treat it properly!

Does using an oily rag to clean leather seats affect them in any way. If so, what kind of effect does it have on them if they're made from which material?

Yes, oily rags can strip off-color from leather seats and cause them to fade!

Don’t Let Your Car Turn Into a Mess! Hire the Best Local Detailing Company in Scaramento, CA

Detailing your car is a great way to keep it in good condition for years to come. It makes the car look and smell better and brings out its natural beauty. All you need is some time and effort, and we're confident that with the right tools and the correct instructions, you'll be able to detail your own vehicle without any hassle.

Udetailers has been servicing hundreds of vehicles in the Sacramento area. If you're looking for a professional vehicle detailing company to help you, take a look at the many detailing services that Udetailers offers!

You'll find that our services are top notch, which means your car will get the best care that it deserves! If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, e-mail us here.

Don’t want to worry about car care? We’re now offering mobile ceramic coating services.


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